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Concern Yourself with Consumption

Updated: Jun 5, 2021

We are what we consume and although there are many things we cannot control, one thing we do control is where our money goes. Quite literally, where we choose to put our money becomes our future. Humans grow into the things we consume, similar to how a plant grows based on the amount of sun and water it consumes, we become the food we eat, the drugs we take and the knowledge we obtain. Our thoughts, morals and behavior are all shaped by what we consume and how we spend our money. This idea is what has sparked my disagreement with the statement "money cannot buy happiness" because if our monetary spending shapes who we are, than money certainly has the ability to shift our current, emotional state.

This is why large companies become part of our lives. We spend our two most scarce resources, time and money engaging with this companies. These companies' products become part of our family, and ourselves.

Rail in your spending:

- Purchase items that are necessities and serve a larger purpose.

- Make sure that your spending is in alignment with your goals and who you want to become.

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